POR-HÜVELY – The Collective of natural Disasters /2010

Our costume is our outermost layer of skin, a body-mask which is capable of constant change. All of Edit Szűcs’s costumes cover and wrap up the body without hardly any needlework at all, emphasizing the defining role of fabric, or material, which as a kind of creative element arranges the shape, body, movement and choreography around itself, assuming center stage.

Visual concept: ÁRVAI György, SZÜCS Edit
Choreography: GERGYE Krisztián
Costume: SZŰCS Edit
Text: ERDÖS Virág
Dramaturgy: IMRE Zoltán
Make-up: MATIS Edit
Hair styling: KENYERES Attila
Special effects and electronics: KORAI Zsolt
Images: LENZ Tünde
Chief technician: SZIRTES Attila
Production manager: KULCSÁR Viktória
Objects: KALICZ-MÉSZÁROS Klára, Nguyen Trá My, ÚJSZÁSZI Tünde

Performers: GERGYE Krisztián, GÓBI Rita, DOMBI Kati, KATONA László, KOVÁCS Martina, MADÁK Zsuzsanna, NAGY Andrea, RADNAY Csilla, TONHAIZER Tünde


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