eldorado.com – The Collective of natural Disasters /2013

On the crossroads of an art installation, a radio play and a theatre performance, ELDORADO.COM by the Collective of Natural Disasters presents the out-of-this world story of an individual trapped for 17 years inside the cyber-paradise called Eldorado, which quickly turns out to be a kafkaesque prison of the body and the mind.

During the performance, spectators roamed freely in the exhibition space, where various pieces of the installation were moved and manipulated by actors behind the scenes, while the story was narrated by voice-over, music and various visual pieces presented either by projection or on various displays. Apart from programming the visuals, I also contributed to the set with a number of electronic installations and 3D printed pieces.


Concept& directed by: ÁRVAI Györgyo
Dramaturge: IMRE Zoltán
Electronics: KORAI Zsolt
Video: KORAI Zsolt, LENZ Tünde
Light: SZIRTES Attila


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